1999 American Catholic Press Benefit

On December 4, 1999, American Catholic Press (ACP) celebrates its Sixth Annual Benefit Dinner.  Since it is Advent, Flossmoor Country Club provides napkins in the color purple.

This evening, ACP confers the Gratiam Dei ("grace of God") Award on Msgr. Ignatius McDermott of the Haymarket Center, for his many years of service to people afflicted with addiction to alcohol and other substances.

The ACP Benefit Committee is now augmented by Pat Gnaster, John and Mary Wernicke, and Mary Weise. 

Bishop Joseph Perry at 1999 Benefit
Bishop Joseph Perry, Episcopal Vicar for the southern suburbs, says grace before meals. He also reads a letter from Cardinal George, Archbishop of Chicago, commending Msgr. McDermott for his good work.

John Pelley
From the left are Helen & Jim Silvia, Marge & John Pelley, and Barbara & Maurice Johnson. Both Helen and Marge wear the appropriate color for Advent.

Joe Russo, Hal Pritchard, and Jack Becker
From the left are Joe Russo, Hal Pritchard, and Jack Becker.

Mary Jean and Sam Argento
Mary Jean and Sam Argento. Sam is an ACP board member.

Msgr. Jack Egan
After dinner, Msgr. Jack Egan speaks in honor of Father Mac. He gives the encomium with wit and eloquence.

Tim & Noreen Donovan and Carol & Dr. Ed Winter
From the left are Tim & Noreen Donovan and Carol & Dr. Ed Winter. Tim is a deacon; Noreen is the sister of Dan Ryan.

Father Ron Kondziolka
Father Ron Kondziolka, Sister Ruth, and Nancy Werrbach, all of St. James Hospital, Chicago Heights.

Father Jim Flynn
Father Jim Flynn, pastor of Holy Name of Mary Church, which uses the Leaflet Missal Prayerbook.

Dave & Pat Thompson; Ed & Joan Waymel
Dave & Pat Thompson and Ed & Joan Waymel. Pat Thompson and Ed Waymel work with ACP. Pat is Information Systems Manager. Ed is bookkeeper/accounts receivable manager.

Ray Suchak accepts Gratiam Dei Award
On behalf of Msgr. McDermott, Ray Suchak, on the left, accepts the Gratiam Dei Award from Dan Ryan, Master of Ceremonies. Dan is a board member of ACP.

Mr. Suchak, president of the Haymarket Center, explains that Msgr. McDermott was still hospitalized from an infection; a full recovery is anticipated. Ray expresses his appreciation, as well as that of Msgr. McDermott. (A large image of "Father Mac" is visible behind the podium.)

Don and Pat Gallagher
Don and Pat Gallagher. Don is an ACP board member.

Susan Vowerk, Joe Darguzas, Dee Carreras
From the left are Susan Vorwerk, Joe Darguzas, and Dee Carreras.

Tim and Mary Danaher
From the left are Tim Danaher, Frank O'Grady, Mary Danaher, and Patricia Leemans.

August Anzelmo, Father Hoffman
August Anzelmo, Father Matt Hoffman, Arthur & Laverne Welsh, and Father Ray Tillrock.

Joan and Les Wolf
Joan and Les Wolf of Suburban Federal Savings, now Citizens Financial Services, FSB.

Peter and Marilyn DeYoung.
Peter and Marilyn DeYoung. Pete is in charge of production of the Leaflet Missal.

Tony Manos, John Wernicke
From the left are Tony Manos, John Wernicke, Mary Wernicke, Pat Gnaster, and Mary Weise.

Haymarket Center
Of Haymarket Center, from the left, are Ray Suchak, Mary Ellen Flynn, Stella Ptak, and Ann Larner. That's himself on the wall. Note that this is table number one.

Marian Singers
The evening concludes with the Marian Singers, an elite group from Marian High School, under the direction of Nancy Mirocha. The students sing many songs appropriate for wintertime.


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