Priests are delighted with the sample sermons for each Sunday,
helping your own reflection.
Liturgy planners are overjoyed to find a specific theme for each
Sunday, comments
for the readings, and petitions for the general intercessions.
Everyone is happy to read the articles on liturgy and music, to
keep abreast of new ideas for the Mass.
A long-range music schedule on the back cover of each issue so
that the Leaflet Missal songs can be chosen ahead of time, to avoid
last-minute worry.
"Music Notes" with help for selection of hymns, Sunday by Sunday,
to save you work.
"For the Pastor's Desk" —usually a book review or a report on
some valuable resource for the liturgy—not just for pastors.
"Parish Profile"—a story of ministry success in a particular parish.
Ideas you can use!
Every parish that uses at least 50 copies of the Leaflet
Missal prayerbook also gets
a complimentary subscritpion sent to
the rectory.
But you can get your own subscription, sent right to
your home. Every music director should have his or her
own subscription. We're happy to provide it. Just click
on the how to order link below.