American Catholic Press
16565 S. State Street, South Holland, Illinois 60473
JANUARY 1: SOLEMNITY OF MARY Gospel Theme for Today: Today's feast is the oldest Marian celebration in the Roman tradition. We honor Mary as the human mother of Christ; we honor the Church as our spiritual mother. Litany of Praise:1) Lord Jesus, we praise your name, [Kyrie, eleison.] or [Lord, have mercy.] 2) Christ Jesus, we welcome your spirit within our midst, [Christe, eleison.] or [Christ, have mercy.] 3) Lord Jesus, renew our faith, we pray, [Kyrie, eleison.] or [Lord, have mercy.] First Reading: In days of old, God's blessing took the form of invoking God's name. In the present age, the name Jesus was given to Mary's Son, as a sign of blessing and salvation. Second Reading: We know that Jesus was born of a woman; as a result, we are his brothers and sisters. We share his human origin through Mary; we share his divine origin through God himself. General Intercessions: Priest: Mary and all the saints are praying with us, interceding for us with God. Let us join our prayers to theirs, knowing that God always hears and always answers. Deacon, Leader of Song, or other Minister:
Priest: Father, we thank you for adopting us as your sons and daughters. Grant us your blessing and grace. Help us to keep our faith and to love your Word. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Ideas and Suggestions