Father Michael Gilligan


American Catholic Press

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Letters from Individuals


The following letters are from individuals who have used the Leaflet Missal ®prayerbook. All letters are unsolicited and represent the opinion of the authors. Some of these letters may have been edited for reasons of style or space.

The following notice appears regularly in Parish Liturgy magazine, our companion periodical:

Subscribers are most welcome to write in; we are happy to hear from you. Letters submitted become the property of the publisher and may be reprinted in edited form. If you request it, your name will be withheld. Let us know how we can improve our work for you.


Dear Father,

Thank you for the Leaflet Missal prayerbook. It means so much to us because we cannot go to church. My husband and I are both in very poor health.

Helen G. August
Burbank, Illinois


Dear Friends,

The Leaflet Missal prayerbook has become the focal point of my daily prayers and meditations. With my gratitude and prayers for all of you.

Helen Beehler
Bismark, North Dakota


Dear Father,

I would be "lost" without the Leaflet Missal prayerbook Many thanks.

Mrs. Constance Bickerton
Boca Raton, Florida


Dear Father,

Thank You for sending us the Leaflet Missal prayerbook It means so much to us, even though we are not Catholic. Your message always seems to be what we need to hear for that month's problems or needs.

Barbara Bowen
Toccoa, Georgia


Dear Father,

We thank you. We do watch Mass on cable in addition to our regular Mass. Also, we keep our copies of the Leaflet Missal prayerbook around our office for employees who need that extra spiritual boost. We couldn't do without them. This Missal is part of our daily lives.

Barbara Brown
Mesquite, Texas


Dear Father,

Thank you! I've been an invalid for two years and can't attend Mass. This is a godsend.

Barbara Butler
Grand Rapids, Michigan


Dear Sir,

I have been receiving the Leaflet Missal prayerbook for several years. I find it is very practical at my home church and particularly when I travel. My son-in-law is an airline pilot and flies all over the world. The Leaflet Missal prayerbook would be an ideal gift for him; please send him a subscription.

Gerald J. Clawson
Reno, Nevada


Dear Father,

The Leaflet Missal prayerbook is the greatest comfort and companion to me. Thank you. I am not able to attend Mass regularly. May your ministry receive help through this period.

Betty Costinett
Bedford, Virginia


Dear Father,

We enjoy the Leaflet Missal prayerbook You don't realize how much good you do for so many people like us.

Mrs. M.J. Cockerham
Dayton, Ohio


Dear Father,

I do not want to miss a single issue of the Leaflet Missal prayerbook It is the simplest to follow, and the print is excellent.

Virginia R. Cohen
Saranac Lake, New York


Dear Father,

As I was preparing to renew my subscription to your Leaflet Missal prayerbook, so as not to miss a copy, your most gracious Christmas message came. I decided to thank you.

You see, I am housebound and depend on you for my Sunday, as well as daily Mass. The format is perfect and easy to follow. The American Catholic Press is to be congratulated.

Marguerite E. Dahl
Valhalla, New York


Dear Pat Thompson,

The Leaflet Missal prayerbook is a great consolation to me. I will be having surgery soon. Since I receive my Leaflet Missal prayerbook ahead of time, I will be able to use it while I am recuperating in the hospital.

Miss Mary I. Daly
Upper Darby, Pennsylvania


Dear Father,

The Leaflet Missal prayerbook is very special for me. I can't get to Mass but I can read it here at my home. Thanks so much.

Mrs. George DeBruycker
St. Paul, Minnesota


Dear Father,

I think your Leaflet Missal prayerbook is really great!

Mrs. Renee DePunt
Mt Clemens, Wisconsin


Dear Pat Thompson,

Thank you for sending me the Leaflet Missal prayerbook. It really is a very good missalette, and I am sorry our parish discontinued it in favor of a fancy hard cover book with no Psalms printed out! That's why I need a missalette at home. I hope you have good success with the Leaflet Missal prayerbook.

Jeanne Dillon
Summit, New Jersey


Dear Father,

My dad passed away on March 15. He would have been 97 on September 14. Until a few days before his death, he was still reading his novenas and using his Leaflet Missal prayerbook. He really enjoyed receiving the Leaflet Missal prayerbook. His eyes weren't as good as before but he could read the Leaflet Missal prayerbook with no problems.

At the end of every month he kept checking the mail to make sure next month's issue was there, always worried he might not get it in time. He really enjoyed your good service. We thank you from all his family for remembering him.

The children of E. E. Dufresne
Manville, Rhode Island


Dear Friend,

I like the format of the Leaflet Missal prayerbook, especially the large type. I use it at the local hospital where we have a lot of older people. They appreciate the large print, which is easy to read.

Father David Franklin
Stamford, Connecticut


Dear Father,

My husband, who subscribed to the Leaflet Missal prayerbook, died on December 23. We appreciated so much how the missal enabled us to freely enjoy the celebration of the Mass. I have saved a great many of the prayers on the back cover for my continuous use. You are engaged in a wonderful work of mercy.

Mrs. Robert Fridler
Oak Forest, Illinois


Dear Father,

I enjoy the Leaflet Missal prayerbook and use it at Mass. It's very easy to follow and clear to read. Thank you!

Rena M. Gayer
Gary, Indiana


Dear Leaflet Missal,

The graphics of Virginia Broderick are exquisite! I receive the Missal regularly and am always refreshed by it.

Marvis Hughes
Los Angeles, California


Dear Leaflet Missal,

I have tried four different missalettes since I stopped yours; I can't get used to them. They are hard to read. Yours was great. Please, could I start it again?

Elizabeth Geddes
Charleston, South Carolina


Dear Wendy,

It is time to renew my parents' subscription to your Leaflet Missal prayerbook. My parents enjoy it very much as they are hard of hearing and often cannot hear the readings being spoken at Mass. This way they can follow along.

Sister Ann Kasparek, s.m.r.
Bronx, New York


Dear Father,

May God bless you for the meaningful apostolate you carry out for those of us who are "homebound." (I like to call it "heavenbound.") My material possibilities to help are so few, but my prayers are continuous. A retired priest, I say Mass at home on Sundays and Holy Days. I use the Leaflet Missal prayerbook in saying Mass. It is easier to hold and to follow. Oremus pro invicem.

Monsignor John C. Kirk
Athens, Georgia


Dear Father,

Thank you for the large print. I am 83 years old, and it helps.

Hildegarde Klysz
South Bend, Indiana


Dear Father,

One reason I wanted to help you is that both my mother and my sister received the Leaflet Missal prayerbook at home, while they were still alive. You have a great ministry.

Judge Robert Krop
Markham, Illinois


Dear Father,

We do love the Leaflet Missal prayerbook! We read it each week to prepare for Sunday Mass. Then on Sunday, we listen and understand more fully the beautiful, very reverent Mass. We hear and appreciate the deep meaning of Christ's actions and are grateful for all our blessings.

Ruth and Bart Lhotka
Louisville, Kentucky


Dear Father,

Today is the day I decided to write and thank you for the Leaflet Missal prayerbook. I have received it through the Mass for Shut-Ins for a long time and really use it, since I cannot get to Mass every Sunday, especially in the cold weather.

I have cancer and although it is in remission now, the Mass I attend on television with your book means so much to me. Thank you so very much for the Leaflet Missal prayerbook.

Mrs. Mildred H. Linke
Crystal Lake, Illinois



At age 85, I am unable to attend Sunday Mass, owing to a heart problem which restricts my movements. I depend on the Mass for Shut-Ins and the Leaflet Missal prayerbook. I really appreciate this wonderful service.

Mildred Lynch,
Chicago, Illinois


Dear Sir,

I do appreciate receiving the Leaflet Missal prayerbook, very much. It is a wonderful blessing for me. Thank you, American Catholic Press. I don't want to miss even one copy.

Elizabeth Martin
Bakersfield, California


Dear Father,

Please continue my subscription to the Leaflet Missal prayerbook, which I have been reading weekly since around 1930 A.D. Best wishes.

William J. Mulvihill, M.D.
Lakewood, New Jersey


Dear Father,

I receive the Leaflet Missal prayerbook and I really appreciate it. The daily prayers in the weekday section sure help me through the day. Thank you so much and God bless all.

Arline Masterson
Bay City, Michigan



Mrs. Broderick's work is clear, representational, and reverent. Many times religious books for children present art work that is stylized to the point of being incomprehensible to my students. Virginia Broderick's work, however, portrays people who are "adult" in appearance--a feature that is so important to the older students.

Dorothy McLaughlin
Minneapolis, Minnesota


Dear Father,

I have been receiving the Leaflet Missal prayerbook for many years, and I would be lost without it. Thank you again.

Marie A. Monroe
Albuquerque, New Mexico


Dear Father,

We wish to thank you for providing the Leaflet Missal prayerbook to us the past years. It is a wonderful help--and we shall remember all of you in our prayers. God bless you.

Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Navik
Algonquin, Illinois


Dear Father,

I haven't been able to go to Mass every day, so I miss the reading. With the Leaflet Missal prayerbook, I know which ones to read, and I like all the prayers. At church we have great, big books; they are so hard to handle. With the missal, the print is larger; and I like to read it at home. I'm 83 years old; my eyes are weaker now.

Clara Noyes
Yakima, Washington


Dear Father,

I really couldn't do without the Leaflet Missal prayerbook. Most important, I like your use of titles for each Sunday, as well as the titles "First Reading, " "Second Reading, " and so on--it's not all mixed up and spread around.

Miss Mary K. O'Neill
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Dear Father,

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for being so loyal and faithful in sending us the Leaflet Missal prayerbook. It gives us a lot of joy.

Richard Posthauer
Lafayette, Indiana


Dear Father,

I receive the Leaflet Missal prayerbook; I like it very much. I have great use for it, as I cannot attend Mass too often in the winter, on account of a broken hip.

Thank you very much.

Mrs. Helene M. Puryea
Rochester, New Hampshire


Dear Father,

I must tell you how much I enjoy the beautiful and inspiring art work of Virginia Broderick. She is a treasure! Thank you for her.

Genevieve Quinn
Utica, Michigan


Dear Father,

The TV Mass and the Leaflet Missal prayerbook help my whole week. I feel a lot better because I have them to look forward to. God bless you all and Merry Christmas! "Wesoty Swiat!"

Norman Ray
Nashville, Tennessee


Dear Father,

Although we have a missalette in our church, I much prefer the Leaflet Missal prayerbook. I have ordered a subscription so I can bring it to church with me.

Ruthann Rogers
Englewood, Colorado


Dear Father,

From "Deep in the Heart of Texas," may we send our appreciation and thanks for the Leaflet Missal prayerbook to use with the Mass for Shut-Ins broadcasts? To one who does not have the chance or means to attend Mass in person, words cannot truly express what this means. Please keep up this excellent and needed program. May God bless you and your efforts.

Mr. Roy B. Schroyer
Canyon Lake, Texas


Dear Father,

I want to continue getting your Leaflet Missal prayerbook as long as I live.

Mrs. Lanore Seifert
Fairmont, Minnesota


Dear Father,

We would like to thank you for sending us the Leaflet Missal prayerbook religiously. We are thanking you endlessly for your generosity and thoughtfulness. You are a boon from heaven.

Benjamin & Patricia Sison
Ridgewood, New York


Dear Father,

As an 89 1/2 year old person, my Leaflet Missal prayerbook is of great value to me, especially in my daily readings. Often when I cannot get to Mass, by using my missal, I feel part of the Mass.

Eva Stewart
Kinston, North Carolina


Dear Father,

I find that my Leaflet Missal prayerbook is much easier to use than the one my parish uses in the pew. I enjoy Mass very much when I use the Leaflet Missal prayerbook. When I am done with each issue, I cut off the back cover with all those beautiful prayers, and finish (sew) the edges of the page. I give it to someone who will appreciate a set of prayers which are beautiful and very comforting.

Mrs. Rose Vaccaro
Brooklyn, New York


Dear Father,

Thank you for publishing the Leaflet Missal prayerbook; we cannot do without it.

Elizabeth Walton
Chicago, Illinois


Dear Father,

I just wanted to say "thank you" for the larger print in Eucharistic Prayer II. It is so much easier for me to read. Now I won't strain my eyes to follow the Mass with the priest on Sunday.

Mrs. Helen Weinert
Chicago, Illinois


Dear Father,

We surely like the Leaflet Missal prayerbook. We use it at home for our daily devotions and at Mass. Everything about it is excellent. We like the format, especially; and the type is so readable. We commend you!

The Williams
Boulder City, Nevada


Dear Father,

Thank you for your Leaflet Missal prayerbook. I have cataracts on my eyes and take the Leaflet Missal prayerbook to Mass with me. The print is a good reading size for people with eye problems.

Dora Winchester
Huntley, Illinois


Dear Father,

It is such a blessing to receive the Leaflet Missal prayerbook. I have just returned from another stay in the hospital and it is so good to attend Sunday Mass with your Missal. God bless you!

Estelle Zale
Flossmoor, Illinois


Dear Father,

Your Leaflet Missal prayerbook has been extremely important to our family. This is a wonderful program you offer. I remember feeling so lost at times without a Leaflet Missal prayerbook. My mother had numerous struggles with poor health. She often wasn't well enough to go to church. That is why I write to you today. As God has given us many graces to return to him, it is important for you to know that your efforts were at first the only contact we had with the Word of God. Later , it was the primary effort that completed our weekly Communion. Enclosed is a donation for your work. Thank you and God bless you!

Mark Zbylut
Fulton, Missouri

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Leaflet Missal® and Parish Liturgy® are registered trademarks of ACP.
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Phone: (708) 331-5485   Fax: (708) 331-5484
E-mail: [email protected]